Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Snowmageddon's Hidden Victim...

Just wanted to share my frozen oil picture. It seems as though one shouldn't accidentally leave oil in the trunk of the car when it's below freezing outside. Touche, winter, touche. Actually though, I think the color is rather pretty! I'm glad I snapped a picture, it defrosted really quickly :)


  1. lol That is pretty cool though :)

  2. Thankfully it didn't burst. I didn't have the same luck with the vinegar based window cleaner in my car. D:

  3. So that's what frozen olive oil looks like...hmmm, interesting. ;) I actually think the color is really pretty also.

    Thanks for your comment over at my blog...hope your love day was a good one! :)

  4. pretty neat! the same thing happened to my jojoba oil - i left it in the car!
